Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long will delivery take?

    We will process your order within 1-2 business days. Depending on the order volume, this time may take a bit longer, for which we apologize in advance. The delivery time is 10-15 days.

  2. How much does delivery cost?

    We offer free delivery exclusively within Europe. To all other countries, delivery costs €6.90. However, additional costs may apply. So far, we have not received any complaints from our customers.

  3. Where do you ship to?

    In principle, we ship worldwide. However, some countries cannot avail of our offer, for which we apologize in advance.

  4. What should I do if my contact details have changed or were entered incorrectly?

    We would appreciate it if you could contact us immediately, so we can amend your order in a timely manner. If your package has already been shipped, unfortunately, we can no longer make any changes. 

  5. How can I find out the status of my order?

    We offer tracking information. Please send your request to

  6. My order was placed over 25 days ago but has not yet been delivered. What can I do?

    Your order may take longer than expected. Please contact us at, and we will do our best to resolve the issue. 

  7. Do you offer a return policy for products?

    We are confident in our products, which is why we have extended your return policy from 14 days to 60 days. The goods must be unused, in their original condition, and in their original packaging.

  8. My product has a manufacturing defect and/or is damaged. What can I do?

    If you wish to exchange the product for the same product, please send us an email at

  9. How can I get a refund for a product?

    Once we have inspected your return, we will contact you to arrange a refund.

  10. Is the online payment secure?

    Yes, data transmission is encrypted, so your information remains secure.